This endpoint allows staff user to add a member to a session waitlist

NOTE: You can use the optional useBoughtMembershipIds field to provide a list of bought memberships that should be attempted to use during booking from the waitlist. If you don't provide anything here the best matching membership will be used automatically.

err-waitlist-not-allowedsession does not have waitlist enabled
err-waitlist-fullsession waitlist is full
err-member-already-on-waitlistmember is already on the waitlist
err-member-not-foundmember not found
err-member-not-assigned-to-hostmember is not assigned to the host
err-session-not-foundsession not found
err-session-not-provided-by-hostsession not provided by the host
err-customer-age-prevents-from-actionmember is not eligible due to age restrictions
err-missing-customer-date-of-birthmember is missing date of birth value
err-missing-date-of-birth-settinghost is missing date of birth settings
err-invalid-date-of-birth-valuemember has invalid date of birth value
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